Bases competition Xiaomi Redmi A1 2 gb

  • The person in charge of this draw is Technology Model OU. Facebook and Instagram have no responsibility whatsoever for the operation, execution or any other liability arising from this contest or its prize.
  • The prize consists of a Xiaomi Redmi A1 2Gb smartphone . In the event of a stock break informaticabarata.com the right to replace the gift with a similar model of the same characteristics is reserved.
  • The winner will be published on this page and on our social networks on April 20, 2023. The contest and your opportunity to participate will end on May 4, 2023 at 23:00.
  • The winning person will receive a 100% discount code so that they can make the purchase at informtaticabarata.com if for any reason the person could not be contacted or replied to our private message within one month of the winner's posting and message from us, he would lose all rights to the prize.